How To Find (And Hire) The Best Resume Writing Service in Houston, TX

How to find a Resume Writing Service

Writing a resume is a process that the majority of workers have attempted at one time or another. If you’ve worked through that experience on your own, no doubt you’ve realized that it can be tricky, especially when it comes to talking about yourself. Your resume is an incredibly important document – it’s the sales […]

What’s the Difference Between a CV and a Resume?

What's the Difference Between A CV & Resume

 Let’s face it – getting a new job isn’t necessarily easy. The logistics of starting a new job aside, simply obtaining the new job can be a tall task. It involves a lot of intentionality and effort all made simultaneously in the right direction at the right time. Most often, job applicants will put together […]

What is a Resume Mill?

What is a Resume Mill

If you have searched online for a resume service provider, you’ve probably already seen it. The resume mill! Resume mills are high volume, low-budget and low quality resume writing services often fulfilled overseas in foreign countries. Unfortunately, resume mills have been successful in their mission to take advantage of unsuspecting individuals. They’ve delivered disappointment and […]

Why Does My Resume Keep Getting Rejected?

Why Does My Resume Keep Getting Rejected

Ready for some big statistics? If you Google the words ‘why is my resume getting rejected’ you’ll see 1.78 million results in less than a second. Try it on Bing, and you’ll see just over a million. Go ahead, test it for yourself, then come back to find out why so many people are asking […]

Top Careers in Aerospace


The aerospace industry in Houston, TX has been a center for aerospace research, development and pioneering since the Johnson Space Center was developed and built in 1963. The creation of the NASA facility dedicated to the research and development required to put a man on the moon has been a mainstay in the area since […]

7 Words To Avoid On Your Resume

7 Words to Avoid on Your Resume

Words You Need to Avoid Using on Your Resume What makes a perfect resume? While the answer to that question may be highly objective, one overarching principle that makes a resume great is it’s inclusion of all of your outstanding achievements and job skill sets all put together in a way that captures the attention […]

How to Write an Impressive Resume

Seven Steps to a Better Resume

Seven Steps to a Better Resume If you are starting the hunt for a job in Houston, TX, you aren’t alone. You will likely be one of a multitude of applicants interested in the same opportunity. Even within specialized industries that require specific prerequisites that you may posses for qualification, it only takes a moment […]