The Career Advice No One Ever Tells You

Giving good career advice involves more than simply saying, “Make sure you have a good resume.” As with most pieces of advice, career guidance is meant to enhance your journey. While you might not find it all relevant immediately, don’t be so quick to disregard the wise words of others. However useful or irrelevant a piece of advice may seem at the time, it could end up opening doors to new opportunities down the road.

Some advice is relatively common, but there are also rare pieces of advice that people seldom share, either due to lack of knowledge or industry secrets. We are going to reveal them to you below.

Trust Your Intuition

You’ve heard the old saying, “If something seems too good to be true, it probably is.” That feeling you get is “intuition”. More often than not, it’s a good idea to trust your intuition. Let your decisions be guided by listening to your voice of intuition (or your “gut”).

Be Humble Yet Confident

Work productivity can be a result of confidence. To effectively communicate in the workplace, it’s important to develop your confidence. At the same time, remember that you don’t know everything; stay humble.

Never Settle

You should have a job that motivates you. No matter what career path you’re on right now, it’s never too late to pursue a passion that you really love. Whatever your career, make sure that it is your passion and not someone else’s. Focus on your personal reason for going after your dreams and you can’t go wrong.  

Be Willing to Make Sacrifices

As in any situation, a career will involve some give and take. You can have it all, but you may not be able to have it all at the same time. There will be certain times when you will have to spend more time than you’d like to, or earn less money than what is ideal. You might have to take on unpaid internships, extra coursework, or stay home to study as opposed to going out with friends. Just remember that these sacrifices will pay off when it matters most.

Additional Words of Advice

Here are a few more pointers from the experts:

  • Use your strengths to your advantage.
  • Always push just a bit harder than what you think you are capable of.
  • Remember that stress and chaos are temporary, but can be telling.
  • Look for fulfillment anywhere you can.
  • Sometimes “good” is enough; perfection is not always the goal.
  • Make your goals big, but realistic.
  • Dress for success.
  • Say yes, even if it scares you.
  • Ask as many questions as you can.

USA Resume Can Help with Career Advice

USA Resume offers our clients career advice, help with LinkedIn profiles, assistance creating stellar cover letters, and will work with you to put together a knockout resume. When it comes to furthering your career, don’t hesitate to seek out pointers and advice from the experts. Feel free to review our selection of services, and reach out to us directly if you have any questions.

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