Do You Have a Weak Resume?

New resume screening technology has made it so that recruiters no longer have to review every resume they receive. Many employers rely on applicant tracking systems (ATS) to evaluate resumes and eliminate those with the lowest potential. Those that pass through to the next round are then reviewed by a human recruiter. A weak resume could be eliminated by an ATS without ever having been seen by a human recruiter.

The million-dollar question then remains: how do you know if you have a weak resume? You might be aware that your resume is lacking in certain areas, but perhaps you are unsure of how to improve it. Boost your chances of making it past the ATS round and landing a dream job with a professionally written resume. Below, we will share a few factors to avoid a weak resume.

Irrelevant Information

In a perfect scenario, every resume you send should be unique. Ideally, a resume should do two things: first, it should shine the best possible light on you; second, it should align your goals and skills with that of the employer’s. Simply listing out all of your past responsibilities at previous jobs will leave you with a lot of irrelevant information. Include only the experiences that demonstrate the desired skills of the position for which you are applying, showing that you are a good fit.

Focus on Impact Instead of Tasks

Instead of listing out the responsibilities you had at previous jobs, focus on impact and results. For instance, rather than saying that you “processed paperwork for higher education applications”, rephrase to say that you “ensured timely and well-vetted applications that contributed to admission success rates”.

Quantify Accomplishments Rather Than Describing Them

Both human recruiters and ATS like numbers so instead of saying that you “successfully got students admitted into colleges of their choice”, use facts and quantifiable figures. Percentages and numbers strengthen claims and provide support for statements.

Avoid Confusing Formats

The purpose of a resume is to get you a job. Instead of trying to woo recruiters with colors and fancy fonts, keep it simple. Use easy-to-read fonts and an attractive but straightforward layout, and you’ll be good to go.

Strengthen Your Resume with Professional Help

If you recognize any of the mistakes listed above in your own resume, it may be time to make a change. Being overlooked for a position should not happen because of simple resume fixes. At USA Resume, we have a successful track record of satisfied clients and can help you build a strong resume that showcases your accomplishments, skills, and potential.

In addition to helping clients build resumes, USA Resume also does cover letters, LinkedIn profiles, and more. Check out our selection of services and contact us today so we can build just the right resume that will land you your dream job.

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