Mastering a Virtual Job interview

Virtual job interviews are becoming increasingly popular these days. Once they see an impressive resume, employers utilize software like Google Hangouts, Zoom, and Microsoft Teams to screen candidates. While a virtual interview is an effective way to save time and gain access to a larger applicant pool, they come with a unique set of challenges. Here are some tips to help you win over employers on your next virtual job interview.

Turn on the “Do Not Disturb” or “Focus Assist” Mode

Staying focused during an interview is an absolute must but it can be difficult when you are at home instead of in an office setting. Avoid disruptions from friends or colleagues by closing all other applications and turning on the “do not disturb” or “focus assist” mode so you can concentrate on the conversation with your interviewer.

Familiarize Yourself with the Video Platform

Different video platforms may require that you download the app or sign up for an account. Ensure that you are familiar with the platform before the interview to avoid any technological mishaps. This will also reduce last minute stress and help you feel calmer about your interview.

Avoid Staring at Yourself

Whether in a mirror or on a screen, most people subconsciously look at themselves if they are given a reflection. While this is normal, it is noticeable. Do your best to look directly at the interviewer as if you were seated across from them in real life. This will help with eye contact and be less distracting for both you and the hiring manager.

Review the Company’s Social Media Accounts Before the Interview

Stay up to date on the company by scrolling through their social media accounts. This may give you an opportunity to mention relevant topics about the company during your interview and will show your future employer that you are genuinely interested.

Dress Professionally

Just as you would for an in-person interview, make sure your entire outfit is professional for a video screening interview. Not only will this impress your interviewer, but it may also boost your confidence and help set the tone that you are taking the interview seriously. Select neutral-colored clothes that contrast with the background of the room.

Answer Questions Concisely

It can be easy to get carried away while answering interview questions during a virtual interview. Without the pressure of an office setting, you may feel more casual and relaxed. While feeling relaxed is good, be careful to avoid rambling. Video interviews may feel like practice rounds, but they are not. If you feel yourself going off course, simply take a moment to collect your thoughts.

Follow Up After the Call

Take a few minutes after the interview has ended to write a thank-you note to your interviewer. In your note, highlight some conversation topics that stood out to you so that you leave a lasting impression.

Work with USA Resume to Build an Interview-Generating Resume

The first step to getting an interview is to impress hiring managers with a quality resume. USA Resume works with clients to build resumes that highlight relevant skills and experiences for future careers.

Review our selection of services and contact us today to learn more.

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